So the school holidays are finally here, Yay! You want your kids to have a great time packed with activities that they enjoy and you can make lasting memories.

However you have weeks to try and entertain your kids. The last thing you want is for your them to be sitting inside, unstimulated and telling you (repeatedly) they are bored!
Your thinking, with the cost of living having sky rocketed how we are going to afford to keep the children busy for a full 6 weeks. I have tried to add activities that are free or do not break the bank.
The possibilities are endless when it comes to inexpensive activities for fun in the school break. I have rounded up some fun things for the whole family to do to keep the kids entertained during the (what feels like never ending) holidays.
Take a trip to the seaside
Who doesn’t love the being by the sea? Head to a beach near you, there are so many things to do at the seaside. You can build sandcastles, paddle in the sea, skim stones, go crabbing, search for shells and most important grab an ice-cream.

Camp in your garden
Whether your in your own back garden or a favourite field or hill, camping outdoors is really fun. Take a midnight feast and make s’mores.
Den building
Children live to build dens. Gather some old blankets and sticks and get to work. Hide out in your den or have some secret meetings
Welly walks
If it’s raining grab your wellies and go puddle jumping. Children love to zoom around in puddles.

Go for a picnic
Why not have lunch outside? Pack a picnic and enjoy your lunch outside with nature.
Go for a family bike ride
A bike ride is a great way to get some exercise while also having great fun. Look on local council websites for bike trails near you. Lots of places have bike trails with different abilities to suit all ages.
Find your local play park
Sometime it’s the simple things that kids need. Head to your local play park or find a new one by searching on days out with the kids to let the kids burn off some energy.
Fly a kite
If it’s a windy day why not try to fly a kite. Or if you don’t have a kite, get creative and make ribbon streamers with sticks and paper or ribbon.
Wild art
There's so much to choose from in nature. Using sticks, leaves, mud and stones have a family competition and see who can create fantastic, wild art.
Hunt for fossils
Go searching for clues for life of animals. Look for wildlife prints, feathers, fur or fossils. You can also listen for the animals, birds or mini-beasts.
Go stargazing
Grab a blanket and your coats and lie down in your back garden or drive and camp out in the boot of your car and look for stars. You can even stargaze out your window. Turn off the lights in your house and find a cosy spot.
Climb a hill
Check out some hills that have good footpaths pop on some good walking shoes and climb to the top of a hill. Take it slowly and pack lots of snacks and water.
There are so many different games you can play outside, football, rounders, cricket, rugby. Some play parks even have designated courts for you to use. Grab some friends and throw your own sports day, egg and spoon, sack race and sprints to name a few. Why not make up your own races.
Follow the leader
Head into the woods and take it in turns to follow the leader. A great way to give children independence and learn to take turns.
Feed the ducks
Take a trip to your local park, river, or lake, and feed the ducks and swans. We take a bag of bird seeds with us to throw into the water.
Go on a nature walk
Take a walk and search for all things nature. Collect sticks, leaves, anything your children find interesting. Find trees to climb or roll down some really big hills.

Snail race
Find some snails and set up a snail race. Remember snails move slowly so don’t make it to far for them to race and they like the wet. Draw a track in chalk or using twigs.
Cloud watch
Lie back on a lovely summers day and watch the clouds take shape. Talk about what you can see and see if you can spot each others.
Bug hotel
All sorts of animals, bugs and birds need homes. Using sticks, old pallets, bricks and stones why not build a home for an animal.
Pond dipping
Ponds are full of life. Grab a tub and scoop some water out to see what you can see or use a net to see what you can find. Remember to return what you find back to the pond.
Make wild jewellery
Using sticks, flowers, leaves and feathers make yourself some nature jewellery. A flower bracelet, a leaf belt, or a daisychain necklace the options are endless.

National play day
Join in national play day. Lots of free community events all over the UK. Check out the website for more information
Tree or leaf rubbings
Take some crayons and paper and make some tree and leaf rubbings. See what different types of trees you can find.
Play hide and seek
One of my all time favourites, a simple game of hide and seek can entertain children for hours.
Museum visit
There are lots of free museums to visit. Check out money saving expert as they have a great list of free museums.
Messy play
Make slime, spaghetti, coloured rice, play dough and junk modelling. Check out truff tray ideas on Google for some great inspiration.

Head to a garden centre
We love to visit our local Dobbies. There are so many things to see at a garden centre and some even have play parks and soft play on site.
Join your local library
Your local library is great to join. Find a love of books and some even have free events on for children to join in.
Find a farm
There are lots of free parks over the uk that have animal parks and pets corners check days out with the kids to see what is near you.
Bake off
On a rainy day why not try some baking. Make some cookies or some cupcakes. You can even get the children helping to make dinner.
Arts and crafts
You can find so many creative free printable and ideas online. Use one of these when you can’t get outside.
Paint a stone
At the beach collect some stones and you can design and paint them.
Water fight
Grab a paddling pool, some water guns or just some plastic cups and have a water fight. The kids will love it when you get involved too.
Home cinema day
Grab your duvet, make some popcorn and snacks and watch a family movie. Perfect.
Have you tried geocaching before?
Check out this website it tells all on
how to make a walk into a great
treasure hunt.
Remember keeping your kids entertained doesn’t have to cost the earth they can be free or budget friendly. It’s about keeping your sanity and when the tantrums start, or the fights break out (which will inevitably happen) get the kids settled into an activity and you can take a rest, tidy up or grab a (insert beverage of choice here) coffee/beer/wine!
Time off school is all about having freedom to play. Children are free from schedules, and free from routine. It’s an incredible time for kids and whatever activities you do with your children you are making memories and that is something they will always remember!